Thomas Nordström, 1967, Sweden
Ten birds of the red-necked grebe species have gathered in a ring outside the church. They represent their species (which is steadily decreasing in numbers) but also other endangered species.
At the focus of the birds’ attention, at the centre of the ring, is a large object – a cocoon, a package, a sewn casing on which the seams look as though they are about to burst. Bright green light shines out from inside the cocoon, as if it were filled with energy. The birds’ eyes also glow green. They guard and wait. But what are they waiting for? Do we see a harbinger of impending disaster, of the collapse of the climate or of the counterpull of nature?
The location at the church raises fundamental questions. What is the point? Is there a plan? Is there hope?
Artwork: Waiting for Something
Artist: Thomas Nordström
Number on the map: 33
Material: Plastic, steel, LED lights, textile, wood
Location: St. Nicolai Church, outside
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