Sidsel Bonde
Photo: Sofie Isaksson
The circle is large and stylish on the park lawn. It measures five metres in diameter and in the curves of the concrete, we can make out the tracks of a tractor tyre. "Ichnotechno (machines that leave traces)" is the name of Bonde’s work, which welcomes the visitor to step into the pattern and walk through the movements of a wheel in motion.
The work shows how modern technology leaves tangible marks on the landscape. Will these traces change in the future, wonders the artist, and reflects on potential future leaps in technology. Will drones and lighter machines take over agricultural production – and the era of the tractor come to an end?
Bonde works site-specifically with sculptures and installations relating to the rural landscape.
Photo: Sofie Isaksson
Artwork: Ichnotechno (machines that leave traces)
Artist: Sidsel Bonde
Number on the map:
Material: Concrete
Location: Slottsparken
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