Mike Inglis, 1966, Scotland. AniAra, 2012, Sweden.
Mike Inglis practice explores the creative possibilities that exist between public art and outsider art. He enjoys making publicly sited work that explores liminal spaces that “outsider art” often inhabits, as well as bleeding these practices into work for more traditional gallery spaces. His work has an environmentally driven core and he most often uses found materials and an Adhocist approach to construction.
The foundations for his ideas are frequently drawn from a dialogue with outsiders. He is interested in exploring ideas around the human experience, in what sustains us and our often idiosyncratic but personal belief systems. He works in a wide variety of outputs mainly sculptural installations but also films, drawing and printmaking.
Mike has an ongoing project which examines, maps and explores outsider art culture and Adhocist practices here in Scotland as well as establishing links with northern European outsider organisations and artists. This investigation and the subsequent dialogues bring a fresh perspective and often allow access to an ancient truth, ultimately allowing new knowledge into his practice. His work is shown internationally in a variety of locations ranging from simple community halls or woodland glades to national galleries.
The culture room AniAra was founded in August 2012. The business is centrally located in Hallsberg. AniAra's vision is that all functional variations can strengthen their self-esteem and increase their self-confidence through their creativity and show that they are someone who can do something.
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