Malin Tivenius
Photo: Sofie Isaksson
Near the mortuaries at hospitals, there is usually a space or room for relatives to say their farewells to loved ones who have passed away. Often, there is also a waiting room. Hospitals are sensitive environments in which there is a well-thought-out plan regarding the art that is commissioned and created especially for that place. For Tivenius, it was a curiosity about the prerequisites for the art in these environments that prompted her to start on this artwork.
During the pandemic, it has been difficult to meet with the ill, to say goodbye, and to hold funeral services. Our system of easing loss has been turned upside down. Tivenius’s moveable sculpture comprises a waiting room and a farewell room in which the viewer can send a message or remembrance to someone who is no longer with us.
Photo: Sofie Isaksson
Artwork: Rum för avsked
Artist: Malin Tivenius
Number on the map:
Material: Wood
Location: Slottsparken
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