Lua Rivera, 1989, Mexico, based in Taiwan
Photo: Sofie Isaksson
The lush greenery and vegetation surround us in the city’s parks. Yet there is so much more here than first meets the eye. With bulging, undulating, colourful, large organisms, Lua Rivera captures our attention and guides us into nature’s micro-landscape. It is primordia that we encounter, precursors to the mushrooms that we are familiar with. In their enlarged format, they make us feel small. When primordia mature, they change colour and shape.
Rivera wants to rouse our curiosity and encourage us to explore nature’s micro-worlds. Here, we get a glimpse into the fascinating lifecycle of fungi. Rivera’s work pushes the limits of what a park visibly displays.
Artwork: Primordia fungi
Artist: Lua Rivera
Number on the map:
Material: Metal, zinc wire and fabric
Location: Örebro Castle Park
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