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Rebecka Bebben Andersson, 1984, Sweden

In a display window different types of 2D trees and bushes are positioned creating a sort of theatrical scenery.

Photo: Sofie Isaksson

In the parking garage under the market hall, we are caught unawares by a romantic landscape. It is as if the work is whispering its name: “I Have Felt Freedom”. Behind exquisitely beautiful motifs with verdant bushes and trees, we see supports and weights that provide stability. The beautiful view proves to be a stage flat. Even the title is only superficial. Rebecka Bebben Andersson provides a map that guides us into the insecurity and vulnerability that women can experience in public spaces: “... there is always someone else there,” she writes, referring to all conceivable predators. The map exposes abuse that the artist herself has suffered and shows a discomfort that many can identify with.

Artwork: Jag har känt på friheten

Artist: Rebecka Bebben Andersson

Number on the map:

Material: Paper collage on MDF, pine wood, sandbags, text

Location: The Contemporary Garage

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Kontakta OpenArt

Kontakta Örebro kommuns servicecenter

Telefon: 019-21 10 00 

Öppettider: Vardagar kl. 8–16.30

Besöksadress: Näbbtorgsgatan 10

Öppettider: Vardagar kl. 10–16

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