Tamrat Gezahegne, 1977, Ethiopia
Photo: Sofie Isaksson
Like a colourful atoll on a sea of stone and grey concrete, an island for reflection and contemplation floats on the Svartån River. On the island are figures shrouded in clouds and a protective tent. The entire setting becomes a place for contemplation.
Gezahegne’s art revolves around how humans interact with nature and with each other. He provides his interpretation of what gives identity to urban and rural life. Life in cities is marked by geometric shapes and cool colours, while organic shapes and warm colours characterize indigenous and rural villages. Gezahegne wants the different cultures to understand and enrich one another, with responsibility for biodiversity and sustainable development.
Ecocosmosapiens is the artist’s word for ecology-cosmos-human.
Artist: Tamrat Gezahegne
Number on the map: 24
Material: Mixed media
Location: In Svartån River, Järntorgsgatan 2
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